This journal entry covers the options trades executed on October 14th, 2024. It’s important to note that this is purely a record of my trades…
Category: diary
Ford Motor Company (F) I entered a bearish put option trade on Ford Motor Company (F) on October 8th, 2024. I sold one put contract…
Options Trading Journal – October 12, 2024 RIVN Closed out a profitable put option trade on RIVN today. I had sold one put contract with…
My Options Trading Journal – 2024-10-12 Disclaimer: These notes are purely descriptive and do not constitute investment advice. Please do your own research before making…
Today’s trading focused on two stocks, ARKK and F, with a strategy of selling puts for both. ARKK I sold 1 ARKK put option contract…
Little bit of observation. Most of the positions moved a little bit closer to their strikes. Closed CCL put for a nice 75% profit. I…
I closed all the “too big” positions in the portfolio. $INTC PUT came to a good 50% profit, so it had been closed. I readjusted…
What do you do when your hypothesis changes on a trade? That’s a question I asked myself way too often in the past. Yesterday was…
Closed a SPY vertical spread last week after it climbed in the money. Was a loss, but i didnt roll, because I had no margin…
BOUGHT 1 KRE Oct18’24 45 PUT @ 0.19 Closed this on early with a 40ish profit to lower margin requirements. After the TQQQ put war…