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Options Trading Journal 2024-10-08

Ford Motor Company (F)
I entered a bearish put option trade on Ford Motor Company (F) on October 8th, 2024. I sold one put contract with a strike price of $10 and an expiration date of November 15th, 2024. The contract was sold for $0.38. This was a straightforward short put strategy, with the goal of profiting if the price of F stays above $10 by the expiration date.
I'm currently holding this position open, intending to let it run until expiration. I haven't set any specific stop-loss or target profit levels for this trade. It's worth noting that this trade carries a maximum risk of $1,000 (the strike price minus the premium received, multiplied by 100 shares).
Important Reminder: This journal entry only reflects my personal trading activity and should not be interpreted as investment advice. Options trading carries inherent risks and requires careful consideration and due diligence. Always consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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